Posted in curhat, informasi, my friend

PR yang tertunda

lama tak bersua.. aku nak minta maaf lum mengerjakan PR.. ^_^
pasti pada kangen jg ni ma mima hehehe..

ya udah,mulai PR pertama dari FERDIAN
This is the rules :
1. Take a recent photo of yourself OR take a picture of yourself RIGHT NOW
2. DON’T change your cloth. DON’T fix your hair, just take a picture
3. Post that picture with NO editing
4. Post this instruction with your picture
ada 1 rule lg yg gw ga ikutin “Tag 10 people to do this” klo da yg mw silahkan ikutan aja ya..
dan hasilnya adalah :


foto na fresh banget ni.. baru aja foto, langsung pindahin ke lepi, langsung upload hohoho.. masih manyun2 juga tu hahaha..

ok.. lanjut PR dari AYU

The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer.” After that tag 7 People.

the age of my next birthday ——> 23


a place i’de like to travel ——> milan, itali


a favourite place ——> toko buku (bawaan pengen ngeborong semua na)


a favourite flower ——> anggrek


a favourite food ——> seafood


a favourite novel ——> harry potter


a favourite color ——> ungu


the city I was born ——> depok


a nickname I had ——> mima


college major ——> IT


name of my love ——> im falling in love with *** hahaha..


a bad habit ——> pendiam (mencoba untuk lebih rame)


a hobby ——> baca buku, novel & temen2nya


wishlist (3) ——> HP baru -hp lama na dah sering hang-


——> CBR (suatu saat gw harus punya motor sendiri dan inilah pilihan gw hahaha.. gaya na)


——> Perpustakaan pribadi (obsesi klo punya rumah sendiri)


itu dulu PR yang gw buat..

beny, PR lo menyusul gw kerjakan yaksss.. hehehe..


Cuek, Simple, Perfect, Kalem (^_^)v

11 thoughts on “PR yang tertunda

  1. hahahah akhirnya di kerjain ciakakkak
    good2 gw lagi ngerjain postingan blog gw.
    di baca ya (btw msh soal makan2 se ciakakkak)

  2. Hohoho.. Guut guut..!!! btw, yg kota kelahiran, waakakakak.. promo Margo neyhh..?? hwehehe..
    u very own library?? wow.. U really are crazy about books,aren’tcha..? *I guess u’re a nerd then?? wkwkwk*
    wait a minute, I love books too.. *I guess I’m too..??* waakakak..

  3. 2 fahrisal -> salam kenal juga mas.. ^^

    2 ferdian -> iya donk.. gw kan mang anak yang baik huehehehe..

    2 ayoe -> em.. i think “yup.. u`r right” hahaha..

    2 hanum -> kan sesuai ma rule na “Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer” begitu bu.. lagian kga da pertanyaan “a favorite campus” hehehe..

    2 beny -> ya iyalah mereka geleng2 kepala, wong penumpang mereka jadi naek ma gw semua ^^

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